Many businesses and marketing professionals are still unclear about the difference between long-tail keywords and short-tail keywords. This can lead to confusion when deciding on an SEO strategy, which may result in a lower ranking on Google for a website. Use this blog post as your guide to help you understand the differences between these two types of keyword phrases and how they impact SEO strategy.

By utilizing both long tail and short tail keywords in your blog posts, you can help improve traffic from search engines such as Google.

The Difference Between Long-tail Keywords & Short-tail Keywords

The first thing that is important to know is what each type of keyword phrase means: Long-tail keywords refer to a group of words or phrases used by search engine users who have more specific needs than those satisfied by general queries; short-tails refers to single word queries that only return results for one specific word or phrase.

Long-tail Keyword Pros and Cons

Long-tail keywords help improve your rank on search engines. They can be long phrases that people type when they know what they want or just a single word.

Long-tail keywords are better for SEO because they can help you find the words you are looking for more easily than short-tails could. Another pro of using long-tail keywords is that people don’t have to use a lot of time searching for them which makes it easier for them to find what they need and get back to doing what they were doing before.

A con of using long-tail keyword phrases is that if someone has a specific question in mind, then it may not come up as an answer with the search engine unless there’s another website out there with the answer. 

Long-tail Strategy for SEO Efforts

For your business’s website to rank higher on search engines, you should consider using long-tail keywords as they can help improve your website’s ranking. 

Choose long-tail keywords, as they are usually more than 3 words or phrases. This will help your ranking on search engines and make it easier for people to find your website or blog pages when they type in a keyword phrase that relates directly to the topic of your content. You can also include your long-tail keyword phrase in your meta tags and title. This will help Google rank you better on search results for that specific term.

For example, if you are writing a blog post about how to cook steak, then make sure to include words like ‘cook’, ‘steak’, and other related phrases in your blog post which will improve the rank of your page on Google.

Short-tail Keyword Pros and Cons

Short tail keywords are great for SEO as they are more likely to be searched since the search engine brings up all content that is related to what you are searching for.

The only con about short-tail keywords is that if someone searches for a specific topic, then it may take longer for them to find exactly what they are looking for. Also they are highly competitive most of the time as compare to long tail keywords.

Short-tail Keyword Strategy for SEO Effort

Short tail keyword phrases can help improve your site’s ranking on search engines like Google so you should include them in your content. If someone is searching the internet for a topic such as how to make chocolate chip cookies, then it’s more likely that searching for short-tail keyword phrases such as “how to make chocolate chip cookies” will bring up your website or page.

When Choosing Which Keyword Phrase Strategy to Use

It may difficult to choose what kind of keyword strategy to focus on when writing blog posts. When deciding, consider the goals you are trying to reach, and which keyword phrase strategy will help you reach your goal.

How to Strategize Your SEO Efforts Using Long-tails and Short-tails

Here are two tips on how you can effectively use both long and short-tail keywords when writing blog content for your business’ website. 

The first tip is to not only focus on one type of keyword phrase; rather, use both types of keyword phrases to give your blog posts a different perspective. Plus, writing content that includes both long-tail and short-tails will allow you to connect with consumers who share your business’ interests while also attracting those who have a more general interest. 

The second tip is to remember that you should be as specific as possible when writing your content when using long-tail keywords. This is because search engines favor longer and more specific keyword phrases that are used by people who have a more targeted interest than those who use short-tails. To keep in mind, Google will try to find the most relevant result for any given search query.

For your blog posts to rank higher on search engines for long-tail keywords, you should use your keyword phrase in the title. If you’re using short-tails, it is best to put them in the Title. This will help search engines know exactly what your blog post is about. Use relevant keywords to the title in the body of the post as well, but remember not to overuse it or you’ll have keyword stuffing.

Keyword Strategy Examples

Here are some examples that show how long-tail keywords differ from short-tail keyword phrases: 

1) Someone searching for a specific product, such as shoes or clothes   

* Long-tail keywords: “Nike Jordan shoes” or “Nike running shoes”; 

* Short-tail keyword phrases: “Nike Jordan”, “Jordan Nike”, and “running shoes”.

2) Someone looking for details regarding a specific topic   

* Long-tail keywords: “what can you do with a bachelor’s degree”;  

* Short-tail keyword phrases: “bachelor”, “degree”

3) Someone searching for information regarding a specific problem   

* Long-tail keywords: “how to store wood for the winter”;  

* Short-tail keyword phrases: “save wood”, “winter”

You don’t want to just throw any type of keyword into a blog post. If you’re new to SEO and writing for the web, here are some guidelines on how to use both short-tails and long-tails to your advantage.


If you’re a business owner or someone who writes content posts for your company’s website, hopefully, this article has helped you decide which strategy fits your business’s SEO efforts better. Using both short-tail and long-tail keywords to create powerful content for your site is something you can definitely do! In the end, it’s up to you whether you want to go with short-tails or long-tails. Both strategies have their pros and cons; however, there are more benefits of going with long-tail keywords.

As an end note, a great way to learn more about SEO is through the use of keyword tools that can show precisely which type of consumers are looking for content related to your niche and how many people are searching for it on a monthly or weekly basis. Ultimately, you want to make sure that you’re using strategy and keyword phrases that will help your business’ website rank higher for the keywords that relate to your niche.

The next time you’re writing blog content for your business’ website, think about how you can use long-tail and short-tails to promote your business. While there are many other tips on how to write a blog post that will rank higher with search engines, this is one of the most important SEO techniques used by business owners today.