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UTM Tag and Event Tracking are two innovative solutions that can help businesses make better decisions by providing more data. These new technologies close the gap of traditional analytics, which can only provide a snapshot of what’s happening on social media channels at one point in time. UTM Tag is a simple code for tracking web traffic, while Event Tracking allows marketers to measure engagement with specific events such as email sends or no. of sales from a website. 

Read this blog post to learn how these tools work and how you can start using them today! 

What is UTM Tag and How Does it Work

UTM Tag is a simple code that is added to links within your email or social media platforms, such as Facebook and Twitter. This code provides analytics tracking on all of the traffic coming into your site from these sources. In addition, you also can add UTM parameters to individual ads so that you can track if an ad is generating leads, or if people are purchasing a product. This allows you to see how effective certain campaigns are for your company, and lets you make better decisions on how to allocate time and money in the future. 

Three Reasons Using UTM Tags for Better Decision Making

  1. Understanding your audience: Marketing is about understanding your customer or audience. UTM Tags can help you gather data to better understand the types of content that they are most interested in, which will help you create more personalized messaging in the future. You’ll also be able to analyze if certain types of engagement are bringing in more leads for your business, which will make it easier to allocate resources and budget based on what’s working best for your company. You can use UTM codes while building backlinks in SEO campaigns as these UTM tags later provide you which backlink is providing more referral traffic. 

  2. Track ROI: When marketing with advertising platforms such as Google Ads, UTM Tags can help you track ROI with a greater degree of accuracy and make better decisions about when to invest your marketing dollars into new campaigns and how much money should be allocated towards them. 

  3. Centralized database: UTM tags also help to centralize your customer data into a single database that will make it easier to analyze and sort through your information. 

How to use UTM Tags?

To get started, just add the tag code to each link within your email or social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter. You’ll also want to use different codes for each platform depending on how they send traffic to your site. If you’re advertising with Google Ads, you’ll also want to use the appropriate tag code for that platform as well as adding parameters. You can create your UTM code with the help of this URL Builder tool

What is Event Tracking and How Does It Work?

Event Tracking allows you to track specific events, such as when someone clicks on an ad or sends an email, as a conversion. The goal of using Event Tracking is to help you measure the performance of each individual marketing campaign and see what types of engagement are working best for your company. For example, if someone clicks on an email but doesn’t make any purchases, it may mean that this particular audience isn’t ready to buy at this time, but may be interested in other types of engagement.

How do I Track It?

Event Tracking is really easy to add to your campaigns via Google Ads and Hubspot. In addition, you can add Event Tracking code directly to your site through Hubspot’s platform, which makes it easier for you to track events such as when someone requests a quote, fill out a contact form, or downloads your white paper.

What are the Benefits?

Gathering information on how individual marketing campaigns perform can help you make better decisions about future projects and where to invest your time and money. For example, if one campaign brings in more leads for your business, you can allocate more time and resources to that campaign. 

How Do I Get Started? 

First, determine if adding Event Tracking to your platform makes sense based on the type of business you run. For example, event tracking is mostly used by larger businesses or corporations because they have more complex marketing campaigns going on at one time. However, if your business has a few different marketing strategies you are currently testing, this may be worth adding to your page.

UTM Tag vs Event Tracking 

UTM Tag and Event Tracking are both used to track data on a website. They are used for different reasons, however. UTM Tags are typically used for analyzing how a website is performing, while Event Tracking is used as an enhancement to email marketing campaigns and other types of advertising.

How are UTM Tags and Event Tracking Used?

UTM Tags allow you to track the specific sources that bring traffic to your site. This allows you to see if any one source is driving more conversions or return visits than another.

What is the Difference Between UTM Tags and Event Tracking? 

The biggest difference between Event Tracking and UTM Tag is data collection. While both allow you to track information about where leads come from, what they do once they land on your site, or who clicked on links within emails, Event Tracking allows you to collect more in-depth information about those leads. To UTMs, you can collect information such as what source the visitor came from, what pages they visited before landing on your site, or what search keywords brought them there. You can also add parameters within a tag so that you can see how effective a particular campaign or ad is.

How Can They be Used Together? 

Event Tracking works with UTM Tags to provide a full picture of the visitors who come to your site. You could use UTMs if you wanted to track what sources are bringing top-quality traffic while using Event Tracking to study which sources send the most leads. 

Where Should I Place UTMs in My Links? 

There are two ideal places to insert your UTM codes. The first is at the very end of every link, as this will help track what sources are driving traffic to a destination page on your site. If you were using Event Tracking, you would want to include your codes before each link.

Where Should I Place Event Tracking Codes in Links?

The best practice is to place the tag at the beginning of a URL, as this way it will be pushed forward when links are clicked. This ensures that data continues to track individual events on your site. For example, if you wanted to add an event code for “visitor clicks on the ad,” the code should be placed at the beginning of your URL, not at the end.


To conclude, UTM tags and events are used to help track campaign performance from sources outside of your website. Events should also be set up on your website for a better understanding of the interactions happening there. Leveraging UTM tags and events together can help companies to make better decisions.

Hopefully, you can use this information for improving your company’s performance and even get more customers.